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buying cycle中文是什么意思

用"buying cycle"造句"buying cycle"怎么读"buying cycle" in a sentence


  • 购买周期


  • In b2b search engine optimization , it ' s important to understand the search terms your prospect may be using in the different phases of the buying cycle
  • If you have a good understanding of this , you can use seo to ensure you not only get initially found , but also get confirmed at every search in the buying cycle
  • That ' s because b2b purchases undergo much more scrutiny throughout all phases of the buying cycle - and in those phases the same person may perform multiple searches , each with a different intent
  • While most b2c purchases involve a single decision - maker , the typical business purchase is influenced by multiple parties throughout the buying cycle , each with the ability to easily research and evaluate purchase alternatives
  • Later , in the evaluation stage of the buying cycle , the purchaser ' s focus turns from researching potential suppliers to researching specific issues related to the product or service , such as performance , efficiency , maintenance , ergonomics , white papers , etc
用"buying cycle"造句  
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